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Adherence to the following Standard Operating Procedures is mandatory and will enhance the safety of your flights into and out of FD51 while ensuring we remain good neighbors to those who share our island.  These policies apply to the License Holder during operations in and around Summerland Key Airport, regardless of the the aircraft the License Holder is flying.   In addition to our SOP, please review the new Airport Manager's Corner for amplifying operational and safety information!


  • Summerland Key Cove Airport is privately owned and operated by 15 Shareholders.  All license fees are used to support, maintain and improve the airport.  This facility is available for use after approval by the Summerland Key Cove Airport Company Chief Operating Officer.  The Summerland Key Cove Airport Company Board of Directors reserve the right to withdraw the permissive use of the airport for individuals or for everyone for any reason without notice.  

  • The runway length is 2394 feet.  

    • Runway 12 has 2035 feet usable for landing

    • Runway 30 has 2104 feet usable for landing.  

    • Pattern altitude is 800 feet

    • Left Pattern for both runways

    • 10,500 pound aircraft maximum gross weight limit

    • The "dog leg" taxi-way on the Northwest side of the airport is not authorized for takeoff operations.  All takeoffs shall begin with the aircraft aligned with the takeoff runway.

  • Please familiarize yourself with the obstacles that exist on approach to both Runway 12 and Runway 30 before operating in the airport environment. 

  • Monroe County Sheriff’s Office rescue helicopters (TraumaStar) and the Florida Keys Mosquito Control District (FKMCD) use our facility for operations.  Their use is normally limited to approximately 15 minutes.  When TraumaStar or FKMCD is on the ground at FD51, the runway is closed to fixed-wing takeoff and landing.  You may be required to go-around/hold/divert until they clear the area.

  • Extra care should be exercised to visually check the runway area for maintenance crew/operations.  Mowing is always accomplished during daylight operational hours.  Be aware that the tractor operator probably can’t hear you - and may not be able to see your approach.  

  • The helicopter landing area is on the southeast “PRIVATE” lettering on the runway.

  • The airport property is for the storage of airworthy aircraft only.  Unairworthy aircraft (seriously damaged, destroyed, or aircraft without a current annual or conditional inspection) being tied down or stored at Summerland Key Airport are ineligible for the annual fee, will be charged at the monthly rate and may be subject to additional fees.   

  • The Primary tie-down area is on the Northwest side of the runway.  If the primary tiedown area is full, please contact the Airport Manager for overflow tiedowns located along Airport Drive North.  Under no circumstances will an aircraft be tied down on Airport property in such a location that it obstructs reasonable access to airport property from homes or hangars located on either side of the runway without express permission from the property owner in question and the Airport Manager.  Please bring your own ropes.  

All Pilots and Aircrew Shall:

  • Operate your aircraft in a safe and considerate manner.  Keeping in mind that our airport is in the middle of a family-oriented community, there may be bystanders unfamiliar with airport operations.  As such, great care must be taken by the Pilot in Command and/or the Pilot at the Controls during all phases of operation in and around Summerland Key Airport, to include:  Start-up, taxi, run-up, take-off, landing and shut-down.  

  • All License Holders must hold, at minimum, a valid sport pilot’s license and appropriate medical.  Student pilots are allowed to purchase an Annual License upon approval from the Airport Manager.  

  • All aircraft operated from Summerland Key Airport must have a current annual or conditional inspection or be on an approved progressive maintenance inspection program.  License Holders shall make the aircraft logbooks available to the Airport Manager upon request. 

  • All Shareholders, License Holders and Guests MUST provide a Certificate of Insurance (COI) in the amount of at least $1,000,000 liability and $100,000 property damage naming as additional insured:

    • Summerland Key Cove Airport Company

    • 260 West Shore Drive

    • Summerland Key, FL 33042 

  • New COIs MUST be provided by the license holder to the Airport Manager at policy renewal time each year or upon request of the Airport Manager.   

  • Flights into and out of Summerland Key Airport are authorized only for Shareholders, their guests and License Holders.  

  • All guests shall contact the Airport Manager before their first landing at Summerland Key Airport.

  • New annual permits will be prorated the first year only to ensure equity and ease of subsequent billing.  

  • Every Pilot or Student Pilot operating an aircraft into or out of Summerland Key Airport as Pilot in Command, or under instruction, shall first obtain an appropriate Landing License from the Airport Manager.

  • License fees shall be paid by January 15.  A late fee of $100 per month is required on payments made after January 15.  Please contact the Airport Manager if you need to make other arrangements for payment. 

  • Utilize 122.9 for all pattern and safety-of-flight communications pertaining to FD51.

  • Airport operations are limited to VFR conditions during daylight hours.

  • Takeoffs are permitted between local official sunrise and official sunset.

  • Make turns only once past the departure end of the runway.  

  • Full-stop landings are permitted from official sunrise to evening civil twilight.

  • Tie down aircraft facing facing the runway and perpendicular to it.  

All Pilots and Aircrew Shall Not:

  • Operate any aircraft in a careless or reckless manner.

  • Attempt takeoff at FD51 when our runway is shorter than the balanced field length for your aircraft configuration.

  • Leave any aircraft unattended (and/or without a qualified pilot in the cockpit with access to the brakes from the seat in which they are sitting) whose engine(s) is (are) turning.  This also applies to helicopters.

  • Pick up and drop off for banner towing.

  • Perform high-speed, low-altitude passes over the field.  Practice approaches must initiate waveoff so as to pass no lower than the rooftops of the houses).  Inspection passes for wildlife, vehicles or pedestrians on the runway must pass no lower than the rooftops.

  • Perform “Low Transition” take-offs.  A positive rate of climb must be maintained after liftoff at least until clear of the departure end of the runway in use.  

  • Conduct Commercial Part 121, 135 or 141 operations without specific and prior permission from the Airport Manager.

  • Conduct any direct or incidental commercial operation on Airport property without prior permission from the Airport Manager.

  • Perform touch-and-gos.  This is not intended to prevent a legitimate go-around or other safety-of-flight operation.

  • Perform simulated (or intentional) engine-out landings (Note:  this prohibition is not intended to prevent an aircraft experiencing an actual emergency from utilizing FD51 as an emergency landing site).

  • Taxi from the airfield environment under aircraft power.  Please tow aircraft on West Shore or South Lake Drive  Please do not leave your aircraft unattended on the runway prior to, or following flight.  


  • In addition to the above, Helicopters shall:​

    • Operate their aircraft to prevent noise, downwash and debris from damaging or being perceived to damge the surrounding houses, aircraft, vehicles, people, etc.

    • Land on the displaced threshold for runway 12, shut down and, utilizing wheels or a dolly, move the aircraft, either by hand or with a tug, from the runway north to the grassy tie-down area between the runway and the canal.

    • In the same way as after landing, helicopters shall be moved from the tiedown area to the runway before starting their engine(s) for departure. 

    • Any Helicopter conducting repeated operations (i.e. Traumastar, FKMCD) on a limited basis shall operate between the designated helicopter landing area between the runway the Summerland Key Park.  

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